Carolyn 伍德乐夫, JD, CPA, CVA的照片

Carolyn 伍德乐夫, JD, CPA, CVA

NC State Board of Legal Specialization - 家庭法 Specialist
NC State Board of Accountancy - Certified Public Accountant
National Association of Certified Valuators 和 Analysts - Certified Valuation Analyst®



Blockchain Fundamentals for Accounting 和 Finance 专业s Certificate 徽章


"The most important part of your divorce is your recovery. 恢复意味着你在经济上恢复了, 在情感上, 身体上的, 社会上和精神上——一个完整的人. The joy is returned to your life, YOU are okay. 你会没事的!"

Carolyn has practiced family law for more than 25 years. Carolyn's law practice focuses on the client 和 that client's reasonable objectives. She is very experienced in complex equitable distribution, 皇冠足彩中的商业估值, 复杂的监护权, 情感的异化, 家庭暴力, 赡养费, 孩子的抚养费, gr和parents' rights 和 other areas falling within family law, such as termination of parental rights 和 adoption.

有趣的是, 不像其他法律领域, the question has to be asked: "how do you win a family law case?“这因客户而异. Some clients are very sensitive to the well-being of children; others, 也许和成年子女在一起, 希望关注他们各自的退休生活. Some feel secure in the family home 和 do not want to move. Then, t在这里 are the closely-held businesses in the midst of a divorce. T在这里 are the executives, or their former spouses, with all that deferred compensation who need help. Carolyn tailors her case plan for each individual client, based upon her extensive background- -not only as a family law specialist, but also as the only family lawyer who is both a CPA 和 a Certified Valuation Analyst (NACVA).

Following her role as Research 和 Managing Editor for Duke Law Review, Carolyn graduated from Duke University School of Law with 优异的成绩. She then began her legal career with Tuggle Duggins 和 Meschan, P.A. w在这里 she became a principal 和 shareholder in only four short years. In 1994, Carolyn set out in her own firm to be lead counsel in divorce 和 family law matters, forming the embryonic vision of what has become 伍德拉夫家庭律师事务所.

Other relevant experience includes Carolyn's role as Chair of the Domestic Relations Tax Committee for the Tax Section of the American Bar Association w在这里 she was frequently featured as a national speaker on topics such as innocent spouse reform, child dependency regulations 和 corporate redemption regulations in divorce. Carolyn became a Fellow in the American College of Tax Counsel, 已, 作为要求, a significant contribution to United States tax policy 和 is a very selective 和 esteemed national academic 和 think tank organization. Carolyn is one of only two women in 北卡罗莱纳 who have been granted status as a Fellow in the American College of Tax Counsel.

Through the 北卡罗莱纳 Association of Certified Public Accountants (NCACPA), Carolyn has been a speaker 和 trailblazer in continuing education for the CPAs in 北卡罗莱纳 who need knowledge of taxation related to divorce 和 皇冠足彩中的商业估值 in 北卡罗莱纳. Carolyn has authored two continuing education textbooks -- 北卡罗来纳州皇冠足彩财务指南北卡罗来纳州的商业评估原则.



法律专业 & 认证

NC State Board of Legal Specialization - 家庭法 Specialist

NC State Board of Accountancy - Certified Public Accountant

National Association of Certified Valuators 和 Analysts - Certified Valuation Analyst®


出版物 & 演讲

问问Carolyn 1和2,Carolyn J. 伍德乐夫

北卡罗来纳州的商业评估原则, Carolyn J. 伍德乐夫

《皇冠足彩网》,作者:Carolyn J. 伍德乐夫

The 皇冠足彩 Forensic Investigator…Colombo Follows the Money, Carolyn J. 伍德乐夫


Unmasking Today's 皇冠足彩 Problems, NCACPA Symposium 2019, Carolyn 伍德乐夫

Essential Guide to Your 家庭法 Case During 新型冠状病毒肺炎, 2020, Carolyn 伍德乐夫, Jonathan D. Csuka和Jessica S. 布洛克




奖 & 认识

2009年认可. 选择的标准可以找到 在这里. 最好的律师 recognitions are compiled based on an exhaustive Purely Peer Review® evaluation.

从事家庭法律工作超过20年, 我见过很多案例,每一个都完全不同. 我开始了 问卡洛琳 列中 犀牛倍, to give 皇冠足彩网 the opportunity to ask questions 和 receive feedback from an experienced family law specialist. I answer questions by interpreting laws, so readers in similar situations can benefit. I have also witnessed how damaging family troubles can be. I use this column as a recovery tool, to help readers move forward 和 facilitate emotional healing. 

请查看 问卡洛琳 更多资讯网址.

Thank you for the opportunity to help you through this emotional process. 

承认执业的司法管辖区 北卡罗莱纳
专业 & 律师协会会员


18th Judicial District – State Bar Association 家庭法 Section